How to install Sumome on by App sumo on blogger -More than ten plugins in three lines of code

I stumbled on this site called  and found that offers free tools that can greatly improve your website traffic. I am currently using the sumome apps on two blogs. I am writing a review which will be published soon. If you are trying to get this tools working on your blog, then follow this step by step guide to take your blog to the next level.
                            SIGN UP AND GET CODE
==STEP 1
Go to  and sign up  .the process is very short.
make sure you verify your email address. If you already have an account on sumome, just login and proceed to step 2

Click on add site a new site and type in your blog URL(include  www.)

 ADD SITE displayed in green.
step 3.
After clicking on add site, you will see a three line code thant looks like this

Select this code and  right click on the to copy code. Right clicking on the selected code is enough . You will not see the option to copy .You can try to paste on notepad to ensure the code is copy if you are not sure the code had been copied.
                                 INSTALLING THE SUMMOM

Back up your blogger template. Note that you are installing a script and anything can happen. Backing  your blog is very important whenever you want to add a code to your blog.

Go to blogger dash board  ----->;Template---->;edit template.

click CTRL+F

step 5

copy and paste the follwing in the search box if you cant find it


paste the the sommome app just below this tag.

Click save template and that is it, sumome is installed. return to the page where you copied the code to ensure it is working. you should see this at the top right of your blog
You can now install the various website tools available in the sumome apps store by clicking on the crown. All notifications are shown on the globe below the crown.
need more help?

         NEXT: Read How to intsall sumome apps from sumo app store.

Do you think sumome apps by appsumo can improve your website?

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