5G Services Announced in Cameroon by New Telecom Company

Over the past three years, they had been an increase in competition in Cameroon’s mobile market.   A new telecom company whose name will be announce later will be introducing 5G services the fastest ever in Cameroon.   
Nexttel Cameroon, came as an eye opener to telecom companies following the introduction of a 3G network in Cameroon on the 12th of September 2014.

While Cameroonians were welcoming the new born telecom companies,  the two Mobile telephony giants in Cameroon(MTN and Orange) launched  3G  and 3G+ services to meet up with competition. This old happened at the start of 2015.
It was indeed a moment of excitement in Cameroon. With the 3G innovation in place, 

MTN and Orange could not hold on. 4G LTE (MTN)  and 4G(Orange)  services  were announced  at end of 2015.  This was announcement was so much criticized as marketing gimmick. The companies involve have denounced this criticism. So we are enjoying 4G services in Cameroon even though not all parts are able to benefit. It is normal since the world is struggling for equal rights.  

This is 2016 and the innovation in Cameroon will be the launching of a 5G network which will be the first in Africa.   This innovation  came  at the moment when south Korea launch the project to develop 5G network which will be 10000 times faster than the 4G network.  Let us discover more about this service.

What is  the meaning of 5G?
As we have seen in our previous post about 3G AND 4G services.  5G means Fifth Generation.

The most noticed   difference in the evolution wirelesses technology was noticed between the 2G and 3G services. 

With the 2g technology people could use the phone to make calls and send SMS compared to the 1g services which were made for making calls only.

3G technology came with many innovations. Using this technology, mobile phones are created to have functioned as phones and as computers at the same time. With 3G services people can now make calls, send text messages, browse the internet, watch videos online, upload and download videos large video files. Note that there exist a 2.5G services very similar to 3G but with limitations.

The first company to introduce this service in Cameroon was The Vietnam company Viettel  SA  (Nexttel Cameroon).

The innovation following 3G now depends mainly on the speed of download and upload of files and videos.  we  might be some technical differences which are not of our interest in this post. 

You can get the difference between more about 1G, 2G, 3G AND 4G services by reading:   NextTel the First 3G network in Cameroon. What does 3G Mean? 2G, 3G explained

 What are people be expecting from a 5G Network?
Three major things have been noted
i.                    People will be able to download videos in just a few seconds. 800MB will be downloaded in just one second.
ii.                  User will be able to enjoy a download speed of 10Giagabit per second.
iii.                The fastest internet ever.

Thank you for being part of us today. The 5G service is expected to be in use by 2020.  This is why we did it on the 1st of April 2016.  The service is being tested in some areas in the USA. Welcome to the innovation.  What is going on?

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