The African e-business Forum for e-commerce and e-payment in Cameroon

The African e-business forum was held in Douala at Hotel Valee des Prince and at the University of Douala (ESSEC campus) simultaneously.  The event lasted from 11-13 of April 2016 . The event held under the patronage of the ministry of Post and Telecommunication was capitalized by the following main activities
1.    Training sessions
2.      Round table conferences
3.    Mobile application development competition
4.    Display of stands by participants
5.      Presentation of projects
6.       Keynote talk by founders and business owners.
7. Integration of software on e-commerce plat forms and businesses.
These activities were carried out in 3days. Below are some of the highlights of the event.

Day one
Day one can be described as ‘’Le Jour android’’ given that fact that many people visited the forum stand in addition to the activities that were presented display of stands.  Main activity that attracted thousands of visitors was the application development competition.

Applications   presented included: cardio pad, Sukuloo,  Sabito , Afrikpay, Payway, mboastaore,  among others.
Other activities that made day one successful included a demonstration on how to construct an E-commerce website by Y-Note. And CleanDev.

Among other activities that mad day one of the e-business forum.  Some e-commerce careers like online community management were stressed upon.                                                         The importance of mobile applications, mobile payment, and other electronic payments to an e-commerce site were equally  stressed upon by e- banking startups.

The big names in the E-commerce like Jumia also gave a talk on their experiences and equally shared the challenges they are facing in the industry.

That was it for the ‘’Andriod’’ day. Many mobile applications presented, companies driiled on how to use mobile payments, develop applications, among others.  Day one equally exposed a new name in the Cameroon e-business called ‘’ Fleex (website What next?

Day Two: 12 May 2016
           ‘’The banking and business automation day’’

Simialar activities were presented as in the previous day. The events that caharcterised the day included:

The presentation of 11 payment solutions . The actors involve were Orange  Money, MTN mobile Money,UBA ,Pay way, Abyster, Afropay, moneytel, SG, KashPa   and Payway.  

These banking companies explained to participants how to integrate their software on websites.
-UBA   demonstrated how to receive VISA and Master card payments on e-commerce website,
-Afrik Pay, Orange and MTN presented their API and how it can be integrated on any website or mobile application.  
           Other activities that mad this day successful include:  The importance of 4G and 3G in the development of digital economy; Presentation of projects that can assist e-commerce website and business, paying electricity bills online by ENEO. The company to talk about on day two was this online money transfer platform called ''SMART TRANSFER. We are done here let s go to……

The D-day of the e-business forum was on entrepreneurship.  

Businesses had the opportunities to meet other bosses. Main presentations on day three included:

-The challenges and difficulties in developing a digital economy in Cameroon.
- How to launch a startup,
 -The role of technology in developing the economy of Africa
-How to get financial assistance from banks in Cameroon, How to crowd fun a project  
     Thank you for being part of e-business forum on RANSBIZ. Those were the main activities that made this forum a success. I will share with you the top ten companies that received the afrikebiz award in my next post.

The African e-commerce forum brought actors from different companies, startups and individuals contributing to the growth of e-commerce and e-payment in Cameroon.  

Participants benefited from networking activities, e-commerce job opportunities, integration of electronic payments and other e-commerce solutions.

 It was my first time to hear and attend such an event in Cameroon. I thank the e-business team for making this event a success. It was a great motivation to my start up.  I learned so many things, met many like-minded people, had new clients and grew my network. The event as well gave me hope that I am not the only one having a dream to make online marketing a reality in Cameroon.

The award ceremony was also a wonderful surprise which has motivated me in my work. We wish initiatives like this should come up in Cameroon.  As I mentioned in my last post, Awards can increase online marketing and online service quality in Cameroon.  Get online and discover the power of e-commerce. 

It is the time for Cameroon. Welcome to the Android generation as describe by President Paul Biya. 

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